Friday, 23 February 2007

I, Luddite

One entry in and I'm already having trouble! When I tried to log in to make a second I was roughly manhandled from the premises by the google bouncer. Having finally taken a tortuous route through the labyrinth of passord changing menus here I am.


Having had a few days to get over several months of hard work I find that I am a much happier and more relaxed bunny. Actually, writing has to be one of the two best jobs out there. Sure, there's a lot of time spent in front of books and the computer monitor, but I'm always dealing with stuff I am fanatically interested in. The pay is nice and once in a while I get to meet some very interesting people. I also get to see places I would never have had the chance to in my previous existence, and best of all I get to give people pleasure - and what could be nicer than that? So, yes, I'm chilled out now and eagerly looking forward to tucking into series 2 of Battlestar Galactica on DVD. Actually, that will have to wait until after I've finished series one of the original Outer Limits. One or two poor efforts there, but some stories are fantastic. Do check out The Architects of Fear if you can.

The other best job is teaching. I mean it. I had over a dozen years of great times in one school and two colleges. The students were fun to be with, and when they felt intellectually ambitious I was astonished and humbled by their achievements. I really mean humbled. One of my first ever students, David, turned out to be one of the finest teachers I've met (and far, far better than me) and others have gone on to become TV news presenters, radio jocks, journalists, barristers, and so on. But better still, all of those I have stayed in touch with have continued to be good people with good hearts and it's always a pleasure to hear from them. Then there were my teaching colleagues. Again, a fine bunch of people with diverse interests and thoroughly professional, even when they were often treated as menials by our political masters. To anyone thinking of becoming a teacher, I would just say DO IT! It will change your life and make a difference to other people's. As soon as I can afford the time, I am determined to get back into the classroom.

1 comment:

AndyC said...

Here Here, I've learnt more from listening to Simon speak than i ever learnt from school, but then again, my history teacher wasn't interested in ancient history, more WW1 and 2 and so on. ho hum! I found history again thanks to Simon's books.

Hey Parm you noticed that Simon has this infectious passion that just drags you in?? Well i think so! :D